School Policies
- Uniform Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Lateness Policy
- Early Dismissals
- Visitors
- Transportation
- Electronic Devices
- Reinstatements
- Health & Wellness
- Inclement Weather
The school uniform policy is in effect EVERYDAY and is as follows for male and female students, unless noted otherwise. Additional clothing worn for religious reasons is permissible, though the school uniform MUST be worn underneath.
- Pants:
- Khaki or black pants
- No cargo style pants
- No jeans or skinny jeans
- No tights or leggings
- Shirts:
- All PLA WEST scholars are expected to purchase the PLA WEST uniform polo shirt from the school. The cost of the short sleeve shirt is $10 and the long sleeve shirt is $15.
- Sweaters/Sweatshirts:
- Only the approved PLA WEST sweatshirt and sweater can be worn in the building. If wearing the sweatshirt or sweater, students are expected to have the official school shirt on underneath.
- Headgear:
- No hats or hoodies may be worn in the building.
- Shoes:
- Shoes may not have open toes or open back
- No flip flops, sandals, or clogs
- No high heels
- School IDs:
- Must be worn at all times. Students must present their school ID to enter the building and to pick up SEPTA key cards.
Students who arrive out of dress code will be directed to return home to change into proper attire with the expectation to return to school, otherwise the day will count as an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. NO inappropriate attire that is disruptive to the academic setting may be worn. No undergarments are allowed to be visible. Absolutely NO: Bandanas, arm bands, scarves (other than for religious reasons), hats, or hoodies.
Your academic success has everything to do with you being in school each and every day. Your attendance, which includes being on time, is a top priority to the entire PLA WEST School Family!
- DOORS OPEN at 8:15am
- BREAKFAST is served until 8:45am.
- SECURITY INTAKE PROCEDURES occur every morning and usually take four to five minutes.
When students are returning to school from an absence, they are required to bring in a note. The note should include: The date, child’s name, dates of the absence(s), reason, signature of a licensed physician or legal guardian, and phone number. Excuse notes are expected within three (3) days from the absence. Failure to do so will result in unexcused absences.
PLA WEST scholars begin 1st period class at 9:00am. If students arrive to school after 9:15am, they will be instructed to return home unless they provide a valid note and a call from the legal guardian with a valid reason for the lateness.
LATE DETENTIONS WILL BE ASSIGNED for every student arriving between 8:55am and 9:15am.
In an attempt to maintain the integrity of the educational program, it is necessary to keep early and irregular dismissals to a minimum. Students are required to submit an early dismissal note from a parent or guardian for verification to Mr. Stuart. He will then confirm by calling the parent or guardian. Students will not be permitted to call from the main office for an early dismissal.
Please Note: Only the parent or guardian listed on the School District network is permitted to request early dismissals. In addition, if students are under 18 years old, they MUST be picked up by a parent or guardian with ID for an early dismissal.
All visitors to the school are asked to please come after the instructional day has concluded starting at 2:00pm. This will ensure that our students are receiving quality instruction throughout the entire school day. Please communicate this request to all cleared individuals, organizations, and agency representatives that work with specific students.
The School District of Philadelphia’s Transportation Department will determine the student’s eligibility and deliver the SEPTA key cards to our school. This process will take approximately 5 school days from the date of the intake.
Students will receive their SEPTA Key cards from the main office by presenting their School District ID.
Only one (1) SEPTA key card is assigned to each student. As a result, it is recommended that students have cash or tokens handy in the event that they have misplaced their key card.
Electronic devices including, but not limited to cell phones, CD/DVD Players, iPods, video games, and bluetooth are not permitted in the building while classes are in session. In addition, headphones are not permitted in the building during the instructional day. As a result, we highly recommend that all electronic devices be kept at home.
However, if a student does choose to bring an electronic device to school, he/she must turn in the device(s) upon arrival during the intake process. Electronic devices will be returned to the student at the end of the school day (2:15pm). If a student fails to turn in any electronic device and headphones, he/she will be sent home and the day will count as an unexcused absence.
Reinstatements include, but are not limited to:
- Student suspensions
- Behavioral and/or social emotional concerns
- School code violations
- Students with 10 consecutive absences
Please note: All reinstatements and meetings will only be conducted between 2:15pm – 3:00pm. Reinstatement dates and times will be assigned on the day the student is suspended. When a student is being reinstated, a PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST ACCOMPANY them.
Students should attend school ONLY when they are well enough to participate in all regular classes. There are, however, exceptions, such as, broken bones, post-surgery, etc. Fever and vomiting should have subsided for at least 24 hours to prevent the spread of infection.
The school nurse has outlined the following general rules on illness and absences:
- Streptococcal Infections (strep throat, scarlet fever, tonsillitis): Excluded for 7 days unless a physician certifies recovery in a shorter amount of time.
- Pink Eye: Excluded and can only be readmitted to school a physician’s certificate of COMPLETE RECOVERY.
- Impetigo: Excluded until judged noninfectious by the school nurse or physician.
- Pediculosis (Head Lice): Excluded until judged noninfectious by the school nurse (no nits). Special attention for prevention includes: not sharing combs, hats or other clothing. Head lice are most prevalent immediately after the holidays. Treatment as per your physician or consult the school nurse.
- Scabies: Excluded until judged noninfectious by a physician or school nurse.
Please remember that the school nurse is not permitted to diagnose illness or injuries. DO NOT send your child to school with this expectation. Injuries occurring at home cannot be dressed or retreated by school personnel.
Any medication to be given in school MUST be accompanied by a note from the doctor with specific instructions for administration. We prefer medications not be sent to school, unless a time schedule cannot possibly be made around school hours. Over the counter medication cannot be dispensed without a written parent’s order.
If a student is present in school and becomes ill, a parent or guardian MUST pick up the student if it is deemed that the student should go home.
The call number on local radio stations is 8460. In most cases, media outlets will announce, “All Philadelphia Public Schools are closed” or “All Philadelphia Public Schools will have a two hour delay.” If there is a two-hour delay, staff must arrive at 10:15am, as students will arrive at 11:00am. We will follow a two-hour delay schedule beginning at 11:00am on official School District delayed opening days:
Two-Hour Delay Bell Schedule
1st PERIOD ………………………………… 11:00 am–11:45 am
2nd PERIOD ………………………………. 11:45 am–12:30 pm
LUNCH ……………………………………… 12:30 pm–1:00 pm
EDGENUITY ……………………………….. 1:00 pm–3:18 pm